What we do
Circle of Nature

In the Circle of Nature, is a project aimed at Rural Housewives’ Circles to engage already existing groups in climate action. KGWs are an existing base of groups of women involved in the local community who naturally nurture many pro-environmental attitudes such as local production and resource efficiency. The project offers an opportunity to reach out to KGWs and engage them in the debate about the changing climate.
The project also aims to change the narrative about rural women. To show that values commonly considered traditional in many places meet a modern view of the environment and society and their relationships together.
In many rural communities, women already play an active role as local activists. Through “In the Wheel of Nature,” we want to enable women leaders to professionalize and learn valuable tools for working in groups, and consequently work more effectively on behalf of the local environment. This kind of support is crucial, as this popular, well-organized network faces many challenges – lack of support from local authorities, insufficient funding, attracting new members and insufficient tools. Expert knowledge together with a community organizer hired for the project makes it possible to effectively support the ladies of KGWs while taking care of their independence and subjectivity.
Target group
Members of Rural Housewives’ Circles, mainly in the Silesian and Lesser Poland Voivodeships.
Key activites
Microgrants for environmental events
In the first edition of this initiative, 13 circles were supported with small grants to cover the costs of organizing various pro-environmental events in their immediate area.
“Precious of Nature” contest.
The contest was organized on the occasion of the Day of Wild Fauna, Flora and Natural Habitats. As part of it, the Circles were tasked with documenting in any form the beauty and uniqueness of their immediate area. Three of them were awarded the prize of conducting a professional photo shoot for all members.
Thanks to this project
- Rural women’s circles will be supported through the community organizing method,
- KGW leaders will be equipped with knowledge and skills on how to effectively work with the group and strengthen their circle,
- the needs of KGWs will be better understood when engaging in various activities,
- KGW members will be given greater subjectivity and will decide on many activities themselves within the project.
More about the project:
Michał Skrzyński